Crafting bold brands & digital experiences

Brand design
We develop corporate identity and brand guidelines for any type of a business — from personal branding to major enterprises. We have a huge experience and more than 100+ cases in our portfolio.
Web and UI design
We develop corporate websites and UI design for iOS and Android applications.
Logo design
We create logos that carry meaning and perform their functions.
Dari Jiwa
Software developer
Charity organization
Oversize fashion brand
Fashion brand
Expo service company
Tetra Healing Cuisine
Private chef
We develop corporate identity and brand guidelines, create logos, user interface and web design. We also develop creative concepts and offer consulting for businesses and people on all design issues in any field.
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We follow the principles that guide our approach to work processes and life in general.
Time is money
Time is a non-renewable and, therefore, the most expensive resource, so we treat it with special attention. Every action on all projects and tasks is tracked and directly affects their cost.
Structured Approach
We create a structure of tasks and links for each project to see the complete picture and edit it quickly. This helps to achieve the desired results as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Controlled perfectionism
We pay attention to detail, but we know how to stop in time, so perfectionism doesn't affect deadlines. We do a little more and dive deeper, simply because we're interested.
We are grateful and proud that our customers have chosen our studio to work on their projects
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